About Library

Our college library is a temple of learning which houses diverse collection of books (Print, Braille, Audio and e-books), Journals and Magazines, Educational CD’s, Feature Films in English, Marathi, Hindi, Documentary Films, VCDs, Maps, Charts, Audio Cassettes, etc. Library subscribes to Standard Newspapers in English, Marathi and Hindi as well as in Braille (Hindi and Marathi).

Reference Library and Book Issue Counter are located on the 6th Floor. OPAC (Open Access Catalogue) has been installed on the Computers in the Reference Library. Space is provided exclusively to faculty and research students for their reference work. Separate tables, soft boards and bookcase cupboards are provided for accessing reading material on Career Guidance, Competitive Examinations, Personality Development and Women’s Studies for the convenience of interested students.

The library is fully automated and the books are bar coded. A well-trained support staff is available for providing reference and referral service to the users.

Reading room on the 3rd floor has a separate IT Zone too. Archival issued of Academic Journals, newspapers and magazines are maintained in the Reading Room.

The library follows OAS (Open Access System) in order to achieve Library Science Principles – “Every reader has her/his book” and “Save the time of the readers”.


To provide physical and virtual environments that support college programmes and enhance learning opportunities for students


  • To achieve excellence in the provision and promotion of information services to meet the teaching and learning needs of the College
  • To acquire and provide a well-balanced, up-to-date collection of print, non-print and electronic resources